Oil operators and helicopter companies have recently banned the Samsung Galaxy S7 Note from being transported offshore and onto platforms and drilling vessels themselves. However one oil major has went one step further and banned the devices from entering their premises.
Upon entering a meeting at Shells Aberdeen premises, one oil worker was specifically questioned as to whether he owned a S7 Note and was advised that he would not be permitted to enter the building carrying the device.
The move comes days after Samsung announced the S7 Note is no longer safe for use and must be 'switched off immediately' due to a possibility of the device exploding.
Helicopter operators Babcock, Bristows and CHC have confirmed they are no longer allowing the device to be transported offshore, whilst the main North Sea operators confirm they have taken steps to ensure no devices are present in the offshore environment.
A shell spokesperson has released the following statement: "Upstream staff have been informed that Samsung Galaxy Note 7 phones are no longer permitted at any Shell UK upstream location, both onshore and offshore. A process is in place to ensure this mandatory instruction is adhered to."
A spokesperson for BP gave the following statement: “Following the recent safety alerts regarding this device, the helicopter operators BP contracts have banned the carriage of this item with immediate effect. BP will of course adhere to this decision by the helicopter operators and we have advised our offshore workforce of this decision. The safety and wellbeing of our employees remains our number one priority.”
Repsol Sinopec have confirmed the device is banned on all their installations.
ConocoPhillips have been contacted for comment but have declined to comment.
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